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Get your kids gardening!


Does your child know where broccoli comes from?  Are they going through that typical tricky stage where they are learning to assert themselves and the offer of any vegetable is returned with a firm ‘No’? 


I am constantly amazed at the exuberant munching of a bean that has been discovered and picked directly from a vine.  It’s like a daily Easter egg hunt with the benefits of a goodie-bag pack-filled with the vitamins and nutrients every child needs to help them grow and develop well. 


My four-year old niece told me the other day that veggies were good for us because they gave us oxygen which helps us breathe. And that they are good for the environment.  I was floored, but realised that teaching kids the benefits of growing your own is not age-dependant.  Starting young and getting them interested in the cycle of life is one of the most valuable lessons we can offer our children.  She often boasts with a crinkly-nose to visitors of our veggie garden that the cabbages are fed with real poo.  She finds it fascinating, but it doesn’t seem to deter her from pulling anything she can find out of the bed, washing it under the tap and loudly crunching on the produce. 


A good starting point is a veggie box.  These are hand painted and decorated according to your child’s fancy – dinosaurs and trucks roam around beans and carrots, fairies and butterflies with strawberries and edible flowers. 


Please call me on 079 092 0578 for a quote on wooden planting boxes designed for kids.

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